This Article Will Change How You Look At Fireworks

Most people love fireworks and think they are great entertainment. However, things went quite differently for this British dog rescue center on this fateful night.

 On the said night, the fireworks were going off outside and the staff was doing their best to keep the dogs safe. After some time, they decided it was safe enough to step outside.

The dogs were finally allowed to have a pee break. Poor Winston was one of these dogs and the staff believed it was also safe enough for this 8-year-old Moscow watchdog to go outside and join his friends too. However, they were certainly not expecting things to turn out this way. Since Winston had a history of abuse, he wasn’t so good at handling the loud noises. When more fireworks went off he ran away to find a cover for himself under the decking.

The staff gathered all the other dogs and took them inside. But, poor Winston stayed out hiding. Unfortunately, they found his dead body the next morning. It’s thought that he died from a heart attack. When he was rescued from his former owners, it was discovered that he had heart disease so he was taking medication.

The owner of the animal center, Emma Billington was devastated after the death of Winston.

She said that Winston was a very unlucky dog as he had to suffer in the hearts of very cruel human beings all through his life. Now, she is trying to warn people about the dangers of fireworks and their negative effects on animals. We all hope that Winston’s tragic story puts an end to people’s reckless and unnecessary forms of entertainment.