Land Artist: Striking Stone Arrangements

I'm sure we all fancy a walk on the beach to left behind all the stresses of day to day life.

 Land Artist Jon Foreman is someone who enjoys this activity just like everyone else, but the only difference is that he has a hobby that he calls "Sculpt the world" while walking on the beach. 

It means that he showcases rocks fashioned into swirling patterns as well as giant circles containing an array of rainbow-Esque tones. Foreman, who finds his work therapeutic, lives in a seaside town in England. 

He considers the beaches fascinating, and he doesn't even think he's ever traveled half of them. Foreman works his magic for nearly four hours after arriving at a beach. While he aligns the stones, he is acting entirely on the emotions he felt at the time. 

Foreman, who has publicly completed the work, has no concerns about the lack of permanency.

 In fact, he thinks the fact that land art is temporary and will eventually be reclaimed by the earth from which it came. 

Moreover, when the dust settles, he has a whole new canvas to work on! 

It does not bother Foreman does not upset that his work disappears after a certain amount of time and even emphasizes that what makes his work so special is that it's short-lived.