Grow Your Avocado Tree

Avocadoes are perfect for a healthy diet with their high nutritional values. However, finding it whenever you want may be a bit hard. If you want to eat fresh and natural avocadoes without trips to the greengrocer, try to grow your avocado tree. Start with removing the pit from the avocado. Make sure that not to remove brown skin on the pit. Nearly, all avocado pits have a top and a bottom. 

The slightly pointier end is a sign to the top while the flat end means the bottom. You should place the bottom in water to grow roots. Take four toothpicks and angle into the avocado seed, so that they hold the seed and hang it over a glass. Place avocado seed half-submerged in a glass of water and put it in a place with sunlight. Change the water every five days. Be patient! It takes almost 8 weeks to sprout. After that, to grow faster cut newly born sprout about 3 inches and pot it up in a rich humus soil. Soil should always be moist. Repeat the cutting method when the plant reaches about 12 inches. Keep it 24 degrees Celsius and check your plant every 4-5 days. Here is all process! Your tree will probably begin to give fruits after a couple of years. The process is easy and the result is delicious. Enjoy it!