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Stunning Photos Of Pebble Beaches From Around The World

When we think of the word "beach", we usually imagine a place full of sand, but that's not always the case. It's possible to find beaches made of seashells, broken glasses pounded smooth by the waves and pebbles. While it's not rare to find pebbles on most beaches, beaches made completely of pebbles are actually few and far between. We can't exactly say they are rare, though (according to some websites, there are only five pebble beaches in the world and that is not true).

The Beautiful Pictures And Story Of Prabalgad Fort In India

Prabalgad Fort, also known as Kalavantin Durg (Kalavantin's Fort) can be found between Matheran and Panvel in the Indian state of Maharashtra, 2,300 feet above the ground in the Western Ghats.

10 Stunning Hot Springs Located In Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park that can be found in Wyoming, the USA, is one of the most geothermically active areas on Earth. It's possible to find half of the entire world's geothermal features here. The park extends on an area of approximately 9000 square km and consists of 10,000 geysers, hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles, because of its location in an ancient active caldera. Yellowstone itself is one huge supervolcano that erupted with massive force a couple of times in the last two million years. Lava flows and rocks from volcanic eruptions can be found everywhere in the land area of the park. The park is located right in the middle of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, the biggest remaining, an almost intact ecosystem in the Earth's northern temperate zone. Below are some of the most beautiful hot springs that can be found in Yellowstone National Park.

The Stunning Lupin Flowers In Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Lake Tekapo is the second biggest of three almost parallel lakes running north-south along the northern edge of the Mackenzie Basin in the South Island of New Zealand. 

This Tree Is Fascinating Everyone By Its Strong Will To Live

There is a very unique tree in Kalaloch Beach, within Olympic National Park in Washington, that a lot of people call "the tree of life" due to the unbelievable way it seems to be hanging on to life when it should have been dead ages ago. 

Definitely Must See Photos Of Flysch Formation In Zumaia

Flysch is a sedimentary rock created by the alternate overthrow of thin layers of silt and sandstone, and you can find flysch close to the shorelines that are swiftly experiencing changes in sea level. 

We Promise You Will Feel Much Better After Seeing These Adorable Animals

Stress and your anxieties can take up your entire life if you choose to ignore them. They can get to a point where you just don't know how to handle those feelings anymore, and then they can become very dangerous for your health, especially for your nervous system. So, it's really important to take breaks every now and then and find a way to relax. you only need a couple of minutes a day, and then the tension will leave your body and you are going to feel a lot better. However, in our modern world, we know this is easier said than done. Not everyone can feel better in only a couple of minutes, and there's no one method that works for everyone. But fear not, we are here to help you with that, and we're sure looking at cute animal pictures is a great way to get relaxed. We have compiled all these adorable animals for you, you just need to scroll down and look at them and it's guaranteed that you are going to feel much better! If you need further proof, though, you know what to do!

Stunning Photographs of Fireflies from Japan

Although fireflies use their lights not only for sparkle but also create signals among them, they are inevitable beauties of the summer nights with their charm. 

20 Living Areas for your Garden!

You can find 20 spectacular living space examples for your garden in the photos below.

According To An Ecologist, Trees Have A Language Of Their Own And Can Talk To Other Trees

Walking around a tree can create a person a healing, regenerating and calming effect which could be felt more and more amongst the areas where trees are gathered; the forests. Suzanne Simard, an ecologist, says that there are many things happening in the forests that we’re not aware of and that they have an interconnected and complicated social connection which is sourced from underground. "A universe of endless, biological pathways that link trees and enable them to interact, and enable the forest to act as though it were a single organism."   After 30 years researching forests in Canada, Simard discovered that trees can talk with each other over certain distances. She even concluded that trees are very similar with humans as being extremely social and as their survival depends on other trees. Intercommunication in the forest is very critical thing. Mushrooms, via their roots that look like hair, hidden messages are transmitted amongst trees, also those who are in need of water and nutrition can meet their needs through them.   Suzanne would love to lie down and gaze throught ancient trees of British Columbia forests, where she grew up. One day, her dog had an accident and fell into the forest, they needed to get him out of there by digging which caused Suzanne realize the underground connections of trees that she would do studies about later on. During her studies, she discovered that carbon could be transmitted via root of one pine seedling to another root.

An ınnovatıve way to use avocado seeds to make bıodegradable sıngle-use cutlery ıs found by the mexıcan company.

It seems like people are starting to realize, slowly but eventually, devastating effect our acts can have on earth. Plastic is one of the biggest and environmentally damaging human labels we have made. One of the greatest sources of waste in our oceans and soil is single-use plastic straws and cutlery made of plastic. Although there are many ways in our daily life that can minimize plastic waste, there is a need for a bigger move, which includes converting the linear economy into a circular economy, and some businesses are finally taking action about it. 

Humanity has come a long way since the very first days of its kind. We built cities and houses that our ancestors who lived in caves and lived in untouched lands could never have even dreamed of.

Humanity has come a long way since the very first days of its kind. We built cities and houses that our ancestors who lived in caves and lived in untouched lands could never have even dreamed of.