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20 Miracle Plants Clinging To Life

Nature is quite stubborn when it comes to living. These impressive examples will show you how stubborn nature is to survive.

Incredibly Compact Houses from Shipping Containers

People come up with different ideas for where they live. In recent years, we have seen many people turn what is small space into a comfortable home. Richard and Amy turned the container into a brilliant home and living space. This house is well insulated and heats up with the solar power system on its grid.

Pink Birds!

We usually associate the colour pink with flowers, but did you know that this beautiful colour is seen a lot in birds? 

Blue Birds!

Although the true blue colour is abundant in the sky and water, it is a rare colour when it comes to the living world. This makes bluebirds particularly beautiful in terms of their beauty. 

Instagram Phenomenon Barry!

The new viral bird on our blog is a very different bird with hair in the form of a wonderful bowl cut.  perfect bird.

Purple Starlings!

In today's article, we will examine a beautiful bird that stands out with its colours. Purple starling, an African species, is also often referred to as the purple shiny starling for obvious reasons. 

Animals Settled in the Empty Parks!

Pieces of information about the coronavirus outbreak are changing rapidly and the threat continues to increase. 

Curly Birds!

Today we have selected an interesting species among birds. The reason this breed is interesting is that it has curly hair. 

Black-Throated Tit!

In our article today, we will examine a small bird species. Black-throated bushtit, known as the black-throated titmouse, represents a small family of birds. 

Sky Blue Tit Birds!

The colours of nature are incredible, but the white colour that contains every colour is perhaps the most suitable for nature. 

The Palm Tree Hammock

A hammock is one of the best things to get relaxed. With the special palm tree hammock, you can get comfortable in your backyard. It is essentially two fake leaning palm trees which hold a hammock among them, and there is an artificial grass under the hammock.

Fireflies’ Miracle

Because of growth and light pollution, fireflies have vanished in cities. However, a photographer managed to take these creatures' amazing views in Michigan.