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The Redwood Forest Of California Can Be Travelled Via Railbike, And The View Looks Amazing While Pedaling Through

In the early 1880s, three people combined their forces to increase the level of lumber activities in Mendocino County, California. In 1885, they established the Fort Bragg Railroad to trade and transport timber easier. Later on, this institution led the way for the foundation of California Western Railroad, generally known as The Skunk. The nickname of The Skunk was given in 1925 when motorcars were released.

Modern Camping Caravan Providing You Party Space

Camping has become quite common lately. This incredible camping trailer takes this activity to a different dimension.

Southern Philippine Dwarf Kingfishers!

Let's take a look at this colossal bird species Southern Philippine dwarf kingfisher discovered in 1890 by explorers. 

Aerial Photographs Of Mother Nature

Niaz Uddin is a director, filmmaker and a talented photographer. His pictures captured from the bird’s eye view shows the beauty of the several natural landscapes. You can see the amazing aerial photographs taken by him on his Instagram account.

Ocean Wave Shaped Curled Succulents

How would you feel like when you look at your house plant and smell the ocean? This is possible with succulents that are called “mermaid tail”, they have shapes of ocean waves, therefore you’ll smell, remember, hear the ocean thanks to them. They look like a mermaid’s tail, which is why they’re called like that. If you’re not an expert in botany but yet want to have some plants around at your place, succulents may be perfect choice for you which is an easy plant to grow. Just so you know, it’ll grow in width rather than height.

From Log Pilings to Art Works

If you believe, you can turn anything into an artwork. Here is the perfect example! Believe it or not, there are people that create pictures from a huge amount of log pilings using various textures and colours. Although they will probably burn in winter, these creative artworks turn boring logs into fun art.

Incredibly Compact Houses from Shipping Containers

People come up with different ideas for where they live. In recent years, we have seen many people turn what is small space into a comfortable home. Richard and Amy turned the container into a brilliant home and living space. This house is well insulated and heats up with the solar power system on its grid.

Unique Alpine Parrot, The Kea

Meet one of a kind alpine parrot, it is named as Kea. High mountains might not be the just perfect natural living environment for parrots in general but for this alpine parrot, the situation goes different. The world is a home for many kinds of birds and Kea is just one of those fascinating creatures with its shining colors.

Black-Throated Tit!

In our article today, we will examine a small bird species. Black-throated bushtit, known as the black-throated titmouse, represents a small family of birds. 

Stone Vases!

Have you ever thought about what you can do with the big and little stones at the edge of your house? Here is a great alternative for you. Thanks to the beauty of its appearance and its light weight, you can add color to your garden with these stones that can be arranged in any way. You can use pebbles and even large crushed stones to decorate the surrounding area. After gluing the stones together, washing and drying, we add some plants into it, it's that simple. You can use the pictures as an example.

Incredible Ultra-Luxury Recreational Vehicle With Its Own Garage In The Back

The name of this mesmerizing recreational vehicle is VARIO Perfect SH + Platinum Edition Motorhome.  

Incredible places

How about visiting the most beautiful places in the world?