The Incredible Transformation Of This Stray Dog Will Shock You

We all love a good ‘rags to riches’ story. The cute puppy in this story named Benji has a very heartwarming one of his own indeed. When he was first found, Benji had been living on the streets.

His condition didn’t really seem so good as he was cowering on the side of the road and he was looking very malnourished. He had a lot of open sores and his skin was infected. The poor dog was infested with mange as well. When Andrea, his rescuer, found him, she immediately took him to the vet, but they told her that it was too late for Benji and he needed to be put down.

Andrea couldn’t really accept what the vet offered her and she decided to take care of the dog herself. It was a lot of work, however. She needed to bathe the dog regularly and give him antibiotic injections.

Then Andrea learned that coconut oil is an effective anti-fungal substance and it could be very beneficial for the dog, so she started to cover Benji’s entire body with coconut oil every day. Andrea’s efforts started to show results and little by little Benji started to get and look better.

Once his fur started to grow again, his transformation was completed and he looks much different now than the way he once was. Thanks to Andrea, Benji is living his best life!