
Sky Blue Tit Birds!

The colours of nature are incredible, but the white colour that contains every colour is perhaps the most suitable for nature. 

Fireflies’ Miracle

Because of growth and light pollution, fireflies have vanished in cities. However, a photographer managed to take these creatures' amazing views in Michigan.

Dracula Parrot in Noble Look

Usually parrots are cute. Although the parrot in this example does not fall into the cute category, it has a very interesting appearance.

23 bird photos that look like they popped out of fairy tales from the Peruvian forest

Apart from being a country known for Machu Picchu, Peru also fascinates with its nature. It is also home to bird species that attract many bird watchers around the world. It is one of the routes every bird photographer should visit. We are talking about the country with the highest number of endemic animals and 20% of the total bird species in the world. We have selected for you the photographs of 23 most beautiful birds reflected in the viewfinder of this photographer who loves Latin America and its birds. 

Amandava Bird Nicknamed Strawberry Finch

Some birds' nicknames go well with them. It is very clear why the red Amandava bird is called the Strawberry finch. It is almost a flying strawberry with bright red and white spots. These birds living in tropical Asia are also called red Munia. Males get this color during mating season. It is not surprising that they are preferred as pets.

World's Smallest Bird, Bee Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are known for their small size. Therefore, it would not surprise us that the smallest bird in the world belongs to this family.

Fancy Doves

Although they are a nuisance in metropolitan areas, there are some very beautiful pigeon species that are used for show purposes.

The Black-Napped Monarch Who Got His Name

There is a special power in blue birds that stimulates our imagination. Usually blue birds look that way due to the illusion of light.

Azure Shouldered Tanager Bird

It is a bird species native to Brazil with its sky blue color. This bird, which is amazing with its wings adorned with one of the most beautiful shades of blue, lives in moist forests.

Eurasian Bullfinch with Peach Colored Feathers

It has a rare color in nature except for peach colored flowers. The Eurasian Bullfinch looks very eye-catching with its peach-colored feathers on its chest.

This Bird Has Feet Look Like Feathers

Most of the birds have the same characteristics, but some of them have unique features that help them adapt to specific conditions. In this case, the Coots are one of the “different” ones. 

Extremely Elusive Baby South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher Photographed For The First Time

Even today, we know very little about our planet, and many species still yet to be discovered.

This Australian Bird Is One Of The Victims Of Horrendous Fires

As we all know, the Australian wildlife doesn’t only include kangaroos, it has more than 187 species. Australian Robin, a sweet tubby and harmless little birds, is also an inhabitant of this wildlife. They are almost perfectly round in shape, and they have a cartoonish look because of their pink tummy. The Australian Robin is endemic to south-eastern Australia and Tasmania. Due to their size, they are much quieter than other robins, and they breed in dense eucalyptus forests, dark gullies, and moist rainforests. It is considered that Australian fires affected the Australian Robin’s population severely. Since many of them were lucky enough to escape the fires, it is difficult to estimate how many of them lost their lives in the latest natural disaster until they return to their habitats.

The Color Of This Bird Is So Beautiful That It Looks Unreal

This white-browed-tit-warbler looks stunning because of its their rainbow-colored bodies. These birds are very hard to see since they only nest in the high-altitude forests of northern Asia, central China, the Himalayas, and Russian Siberia. They usually feed on small insects they find under roots and between rocks.

White-Headed Tit Birds!

Some birds have really interesting looks. The white-headed tit bird, which you can see in the photo, is called the secretary bird because of its appearance. 

Southern Philippine Dwarf Kingfishers!

Let's take a look at this colossal bird species Southern Philippine dwarf kingfisher discovered in 1890 by explorers. 

Silver Eared Mesias!

In our today's article, we will examine the Silver Eared Mesia, an eye-catching animal with its colourful feathers. 

Bright Green Tanager

Considering other chirpy-coloured bird species, a straight green-coloured bird might not look very nice. 

The World's Most Beautiful Pigeon Species

You will be very surprised when you see how different types of pigeons live in cities in harmony with people. You will probably see many of them for the first time. Pigeons are extremely good road finders. And contrary to popular belief, they are intelligent.

Giant Prehistoric Dragonfly

This dragonfly, named 'Meganeura', could reach wingspan from 65 cm to 70 cm. After the first Meganeura fossil was discovered in France in 1880, it began to attract researchers' attention. The reason for the extinction of this dragonfly living three hundred million years ago is still unknown. This dragonfly, even older than dinosaurs, had a very strong jaw.

Australian Pink Robin Bird

Although it looks too beautiful to be true, this bird is the Pink Robin bird, the brother of the Red Ripper native to Australia. After the great fire in Australia, how endemic species were affected was a matter of concern. The extent of the damage will not be understood until the birds that fled after the fire return.

Colourful Pigeons!

Pigeons, which we know mostly with their grey appearance, can actually be very colourful. 

Willy Wagtails!

In this article, we will meet a bird species named Willy Wagtail. These birds, sometimes called just "Willie", have very distinctive colours. Their back and tail are black and they also have a patch on their snow-white breasts. They also have white eyebrows. Willy Wagtails are common in Australia and most of Southeast Asia and are easily seen in urban areas. Although they are territorial with other bird species, they are considered fairly friendly with humans. You can see the photos of Willies below.

Pompadour Cotinga!

There really is a bird of every colour in the world. Even though we think that there is a limit to the variety of colours, birds really mislead us. Another bird species that misleads us is Pompadour Cotinga.

Horned Sungem!

Hummingbirds, a bird species famous for their flapping wings, are generally known as one species, but there are 338 known species in the family of these tiny birds. 

Spotted Bellied Eagle Owl!

In today's article, we will examine the Spotted Bellied Eagle-owl, also called the Forest Eagle-owl. 

The Shoe-Billed Stork!

Despite the cute birds with unusually beautiful colours, there are also birds that can be really scary. 

Lilac Sea Jay

Birds showing themselves with the arrival of spring show us the perfect colours of our world. Another bird that shows us these colours is Lilac Sea Jay. 


The emotions that colours make us feel are really weird. For example, it is a scientific fact that the color red increases the appetite in humans. 

The Diamond Finch that Looks Like From A Fairytale

Bright white animals have always been remarkable. From snow owls to white tigers, we can't take our eyes off them.