An ınnovatıve way to use avocado seeds to make bıodegradable sıngle-use cutlery ıs found by the mexıcan company.

It seems like people are starting to realize, slowly but eventually, devastating effect our acts can have on earth. Plastic is one of the biggest and environmentally damaging human labels we have made. One of the greatest sources of waste in our oceans and soil is single-use plastic straws and cutlery made of plastic. Although there are many ways in our daily life that can minimize plastic waste, there is a need for a bigger move, which includes converting the linear economy into a circular economy, and some businesses are finally taking action about it. 

The mexıcan company bıofase recently launched sıngle-use cutlery

The mexıcan company bıofase recently launched sıngle-use cutlery

The plastic cutlery maintains its functionality for one year if stored in a fresh and dry spot, but after that, it begins to biodegrade without leaving any plastic behind. There is one thing that BioFase can quickly get their hands on, which is avocados, as they are located in Mexico. Mexico provides around %50 percent of the world’s supply of avocado, so the country is full of avocado pits that can easily be converted into anything useful.

 The Organızatıon Purchases Avocado Seeds From Companıes That Produce Guacamole Or Oıl From Avocados

The Organızatıon Purchases Avocado Seeds From Companıes That Produce Guacamole Or Oıl From Avocados

There are two different kinds of items in the business: biodegradable and compostable ones. When their shelf life is over, biodegradable goods are reincorporated into nature, like a fruit. In a compost tank, compostable items must be recycled so that 100 percent can be degraded.

Not only is this kind of manufacturing being inexpensive, but the items are made from an environmentally safe substance that would otherwise be burning in a landfill.

It took about a year and a half to discover the right way to produce this biodegradable cutlery with plastics. Finding a way to turn the substance into a desirable form was the biggest barrier.